Ksenia's Story
Kyiv, Ukraine
Ksenia Khomerica
Ksenia Khomeriki was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, leaving her home in March after the war between Russia and Ukraine began. Ksenia’s family traveled through five countries by bus and train, spending two nights sleeping on the floor of a Romanian Church that offered support to Ukranian refugees. After traveling for six days, her family found refuge in Denmark with family friends.
She has enjoyed her stay in Denmark, and has not experienced much of a cultural difference between Denmark and Ukraine, but still finds difficulties learning the language.
Ksenia is a student at Roskilde University through their International Social Science bachelor program. She enjoys learning about the theories of international relations and foreign policy in her political science class. Through her sociology classes, she has developed a deep interest in the concept of intersectionality.
Ksenia has used her experiences and learnings from Your Path Forward in many of her school projects. She enjoyed learning about business sustainability through Your Path Forward, using her findings to investigate fast fashion as a crisis of the 21st century in her university.