Danylo's Story
Kyiv, Ukraine
Danylo Kostenko
Danylo Kostenko is 17 years old and was born in Kyiv, Ukraine. After the war between Russia and Ukraine began, he moved to Brno, Czech Republic and is studying Culture, Media, and Performative Arts at Masaryk University.
Being fluent in Czech after attending language courses over the summer has greatly helped Danylo get used to his new environment. Naturally, he misses his home in Ukraine, but enjoys the international community in Czech. In his university, he regularly attends international dinners and weekly country-specific presentations where students can prepare national meals and speak about their home countries. Danylo and his fellow Ukrainians hosted their own presentation, which was one of his best experiences he has had so far. Danylo also runs his university’s Instagram account and hopes to explore social media marketing.
Danylo is excited to continue his experience with Your Path Forward, already having completed various business-related and sustainability curriculums. His favorite has been a summer business sustainability internship, where he enjoyed connecting with U.S. interns and speaking with guest speakers.